Harry Potter Mania

My daughter doesn’t know how to read yet, but even she knows who Harry Potter is. Not because we have any of the books. (We don’t.) Not because we’ve seen any of the movies (We haven’t.) It’s simply because it is virtually impossible to go anywhere these days without running into the boy wizard’s mug. Commercials for the latest Harry Potter movie are constantly on TV. Photos of the final book are all over the Internet. And stories regarding “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” leaks and lawsuits are saturating the evening news. Copies of the seventh and likely final … Continue reading

Teachers Use Harry Potter to Teach Science

I personally have not had the Harry Potter experience. I have not read the books or watched the movies. There is not a religious reason behind my choosing not to take part in Harry Potter. I simply do not have an interest in the types of media that Rowling offers. However, there is dramatic reasoning in why some others will condemn anyone who mentions liking the series of books and movies. There has been a lot of controversy about the magic and witchery that is portrayed in the writings of the Harry Potter books. I have even known of some … Continue reading

Bug Bloopers

When watching movies I love waiting until the end to see if they include a blooper strip whilst the credits roll. One of my all-time favorite movies is “Smokey and the Bandit” with Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reid. The blooper strip on this – and the sequel – are hilarious! On days when I’m feeling down these can make me laugh and raise my spirits again. If I had my way, I’d have these put on all movies because they really show the personality of the actors rather than the characters they are portraying. Last night the boys were watching … Continue reading